19th International Masterclasses 2023
The 19th edition of the International Masterclasses Program is back!

The International Masterclasses 2023 will take place from 13.2. - 31.3.2023.
Registrations are open from Nov 11, and will close on December 9.
The programme of this edition offers:
1. CERN videoconferences for ALICE, ATLAS Z + W, CMS, and LHCb Masterclasses
2. Fermilab videoconferences for ATLAS Z, CMS, and MINERvA Neutrino Masterclasses
3. KEK videoconferences for Belle II Masterclasses
4. GSI videoconferences for Hadron Therapy Masterclasses
For more details on all participating institutes, see My Country.
To participate please contact the participating institute closest to you.
Here you can see the schedule of next edition.